I recently completed Web App Testing & Tools by Miško Hevery on Frontend Masters. The course is a just under 4 hours long. This is more of what I’d consider a conceptual, “101” course.

You do “get your hands dirty” coding along a couple different pre-built applications in a variety of types of tests — such as unit tests with Vitest, components tests with Storybook, and end-to-end tests with Playwright — but I don’t anticipate that I’ll end up refering back to the code in the future for specific examples. The value of this course is that it’s taught by Miško Hevery, the creator of Angular, among other things — someone with a uniquely impressive career. You get to hear his perspective on the importance of testing, the relative value of different types of tests, how to handle testing in legacy code bases, and how to ensure testing is completed in new code bases. However, if you’ve taken another introductory testing course, you’re likely familiar with all core topics covered, and you’re not going to do a “deep dive” into any one of these types of tests or testing frameworks.